

  W e have always been taught that honesty is the best policy, and that to lie is a bad thing to do. As we grow older, we realise that in many situations, it is a good idea to keep quiet or better still, be diplomatic and tactfully handle sensitive issues. The dividing line between being honest and being diplomatic is a thin one. We have to be careful in deciding when to be honest and when to be at our diplomatic best. We also have to decide whether we should be absolutely can did, or use the truth as a matter of convenience? To be completely honest, you must ask yourself, " Why am I afraid of speaking the truth " ? You will find that the answer is obvious. Our Diplomacy is only for our self - protection; it is a self - preservation device. Our egos are too fragile to accept insult and criticism. In our daily lives, few of us want to rock the boat by speaking the truth at work or in our homes. We like to avoid confrontations. The difference between living a superficial life a...

Illusion truth

  F acts don ' t actually matter: People repeat them so often that you believe them. Welcome to the “ illusory truth effect, ” a glitch in the human psyche that equates repetition with truth. Marketers and politicians are masters of manipulating this particular cognitive bias --- which perhaps you have become more familiar with lately. As with any cognitive bias, the best way not to fall prey to it is to know it exists. If you read something that just feels right, but you don ' t know why, take notice. Look into it. Check the data. If that sounds like too much work, well, facts are fun. Facts are fun. Facts are fun. Facts are fun.


  P eople become hypocrites because that ’ s the easy way out. Almost everyone has heard the phrase ‘ Do the right thing, even when no one is watching. ’ That essentially is what hypocrisy boils down to. Society brings groups of people together that share somewhat common belief systems. These range from religion to politics. In our daily interactions we operate by a certain set of rules. Thou shalt not kill. Don ’ t run the red light. Don ’ t cheat on your spouse. You get my drift. I believe the majority of society does not kill. However, would it really hurt to run that light? I mean nobody ’ s watching. It ’ s taking too long. When you do that. When you run that light, you ’ re a hypocrite. You ’ ve done something that you ’ ve most likely advised someone else not to do. And you did it alone. You feel secure in that moment. You think nobody ’ s watching. Imagine being called a hypocrite. It ’ s up there with some of the most painful insults you can receive. Next to being called ...


There are two possible ways not to tell the truth: not to provide any information, and to provide false information. First, you do not need to tell everyone everything. Excessive sharing of personal information is not welcome, even if it is the truth. Context is all - important, and you have to consider whether people need and / or want to know. Sometimes it is better not to say something. You also need to be able to remain silent if someone has confided in you and asked you not to share the information further. Under these circumstances, it is therefore appropriate not to tell all the truth.

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